go with tatiana|我们在贵州找到了《沙丘》!we found the desert from “dune” in guizhou -九游会官方网站登录

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go with tatiana|我们在贵州找到了《沙丘》!we found the desert from “dune” in guizhou

  • 作者:kucherova tatiana 程国栋
  • 发布时间:2024-04-25 11:30:22

guizhou is truly a trove with incredible landform, where mountains are separated by stunning waterfalls, where mysterious forests make you lost, where you may see caves with long history,  where there are lakes and rivers extraordinary beautiful.... guizhou is beautiful, but many scenery are still undiscovered. 


贵州确实是一座神奇的地貌宝库。在这里,巍峨的群山与飞流直下的瀑布相映成趣;在这里,神秘的森林让你流连忘返;在这里,可以看到千年古洞;在这里,有碧波荡漾的湖泊和河流…… 贵州非常美。这里仍有许多鲜为人知的美丽风景。

so, a few days ago, we came to a place which is quiet similar to the sandy landscape of the movie “dune”. it is the tianxing valley, located in ziyun county, anshun city, guizhou province.



covered with sand, it is incredibly similar to the landscapes of the planet arrakis in the movie “dune”. the whole valley is hidden by canyons, chasms and hills. the sand underfoot is strewn with rocks and shells, suggesting that there was a mountain river running straight down into the valley before.



снимок экрана 2024-04-25 в 09.12.53 拷贝.png

the cave was quite large, we didn't dare to go through it. to be honest, we were a bit scared, because there were strange sounds coming from the cave, driving us further and further away from the entrance. besides, no one was there except for us. so after filmed, we left there quickly. 



however, if you wanted to go, you should watch out extremely. although it only takes 10 minutes to the gorge, but the paths are very narrow. at the bottom of it, there is another gorge... so, your best bet is a pair of comfortable sneakers. 


如果你们还是想去这个地方,你们一定要注意安全。虽然通往峡谷的路只需要10 分钟,但通往峡谷的道路非常狭窄,而且底部还有一个峡谷…… 建议大家最好穿上一双舒适的运动鞋。


remember, safety should always come first. also for all photography lovers, i advise you to choose an early morning to visit. after noon, a large group of people who like hiking will come here.


记住,安全永远是第一位的。另外,所有摄影爱好者,我建议你们选择清晨来此游览,因为 12 点以后,这里会有一大群热爱徒步旅行的人前往。


kucherova tatiana

视频/通讯员 程国栋

编辑 赖盈盈

编审 闵捷

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